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2019 Memberships at DNC Paintball
2019 Memberships at DNC Paintball
We have 2 membership packages available.
Basic Membership Team Membership
Basic Membership
Basic Memberships are for newer players that are interested in playing paintball on a regular basis.
What a Basic Membership gets you
$8 Field Fees -Regularly $15 (if you have your own gear)
$10 off rentals - Regularly $30 for Walk Ons, and $35 for Private Bookings
$5 off listed case prices on paint
FREE Upgrade to BCB Team Membership if conditions are met!
Bridge City Ballers Paintball Team
What is Bridge City Ballers Paintball Team?
Bridge City Ballers Paintball Team is a team of local Saskatchewan paintball players, of all experience levels.
From Newbies, to 30 year veterans.
We take brand new players and help develop their skills.
We are a diverse group that loves the sport, and growing our paintball community.
Our home field is Divide N Conquer Paintball, just outside of Saskatoon.
We play all types of paintball, from some scenario play with semi auto or full auto markers, mag fed,all the way to competitive speedball.
We will travel to events & tournaments at other fields in Saskatchewan & Alberta some times too!
What Is Required To Join Bridge City Ballers Team?
Well, that part is actually pretty easy!
We will accept anyone as long as they can meet our simple criteria:
1. You need to have your own gear, and keep it WORKING!
(Gun, Mask, Tank, Hopper, Pod Pack, Pods.)
2. Show up at the field (DNC Paintball) 3x or more per month during the summer.
(We wouldn't be much of a team if we didn't play often!)
4. Clean up after yourself at the end of the day at the field.
5. Have a Facebook account.
(Facebook is our primary source of communication for our team)
This is all part of our requirements for our sponsorship with Divide N Conquer Paintball.
What Benefits Do I Get For Being Part Of the Team?
Our sponsorship threw DNC Paintball allows us to get:
2019 Bridge City Ballers Team Price Benefits:
$5 Paintball field fees Rather than the normal $15!
$10 off all listed case paint prices @ the field!
It also gives us access deals on New Gear like guns, tanks, masks, jerseys & whatever you need at deeply discounted prices.
So if you don't have any gear yet-Join the team BEFORE you buy gear!
On top of getting paintball at the best price anywhere in Canada..
We also get access to allot of the behind the scenes action.
Like implementing our ideas for field development, and customizing the play areas.
We get first dibbs on reffing groups (we get Paid for this) and some groups even let us play while we Ref!
How Do I Join Bridge City Ballers Paintball Team?
Get your Click Here Team Membership for the 2019 paintball season online today!
Simply purchase the membership, and then we will send out some info Via Email for you.
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